Crunchy Rebounded Chicken Breasts


How to make the typical grilled chicken juicier? Very easy, breaking it. Making these chicken breasts crunchy crispy, we will get as a result a chicken richer, juicier and higher quality. In contrast, we will also obtain a more caloric chicken because, you have to fry it in plenty of oil. However, if you are worried about this information, you can also bake it. I will explain it in more detail below. You'll get a chicken a tad drier than fried but much juicier than grilled. To prepare these crunchy battered chicken breasts you will need these few ingredients

INGREDIENTS TO PREPARE Crunchy Rebounded Chicken Breasts:

  • 2 chicken breasts
  • flour
  • 1 egg
  • bread crumbs
  • oil

RECIPE OF Crunchy Rebounded Chicken Breasts:

1.- We filleted the breasts, if we do not already have them in this state. We can ask the butcher or if not, we can do it at home. In the end, we will need some fillets around 1 or 2 cm thick. The thicker they are, the juicier the breasts will be but also, the more risk that they will be raw inside, if we finally decide to fry them. If it is the case, you can do it with a more moderate temperature oil, so that the heat penetrates well inside

2.- Salpimentar chicken breasts on both sides

3.- The empanamos. For this we first pass them through flour. Then for beaten egg and finally for bread crumbs. That it is well impregnated with these three ingredients. The breadcrumbs will be the ingredient that gives the crunchy touch although, you can replace it with cornflakes without sugar. They will be even more crispy

4.- Once all are empanadas, we put them in the freezer 10 minutes. So, we make sure that the breaded one sits well in the chicken breasts

5.- Now, two options. The first one is frying in abundant oil at around 180ºC. That covers them completely. We remove them when they are well browned. The other option is to put them on baking paper and put them in, with the oven previously heated to 200ºC, in the middle slit. Leave them here around 20 minutes.

6 .- If we have fried, let stand a couple of minutes on absorbent paper, to remove excess oil

It's that easy to have these crunchy battered chicken breasts. Much more fun than grilled chicken breasts!

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Crunchy Rebounded Chicken Breasts Crunchy Rebounded Chicken Breasts Reviewed by Hair Guidance on 09:43 Rating: 5
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