Oreo Homemade Cake Without Oven Recipe


Do you like cheesecake? Then, this homemade oreo cake will please you even more. And it's so easy that it's done without an oven. You will need, yes, a few hours to let it set (hours that you can devote to doing other things) but, except for that period, it is a cake that is made very quickly. So, this is also a quick dessert that is quick and delicious to make. Ideally in a recipe. Without further ado, let's go with the ingredients to make a homemade oreo cake:


25 oreo cookies (300g)
75g of butter at room temperature
500g of cream cheese Type Philadelphia
500g of cream to assemble. Also known as whipping cream
2 tablespoons (15g) of neutral gelatin. You can also use 6 sheets if you use it in this format
80g of sugar


1.- Separate the cookies from the cream. We remove one of the cookies and then, with the help of a knife, separate the cream from the cookie.

2.- Put the cream in a large pot. And the cookie is lightly crushed with the hand and placed on a blender. Grind well. If you do not have a blender, you can use a hand blender.

3.- When there is a kind of fine sand, we reserve on a plate about 1/3 of the crushed biscuit.

4.- To the remaining 2/3, we add the butter at room temperature and mix again. So that both ingredients are well integrated. This will be the basis of our cake.

5.- We add this mixture on a removable cake mold. With these amounts, I used one of 20 but you can use one of a similar size without problems. With a spoon, spread the whole mixture of biscuit and butter all over the surface, tightening it well and without leaving any gaps. Then we put in the fridge while doing the next step

6.- We put the casserole where we have the creams of the biscuit to soft fire. We throw the cream, cream cheese, sugar and gelatin and stir constantly. Let all the ingredients melt. This mixture should never come to boil or take an unpleasant taste.

7.- When it is well undone we add it on the cookie base. Let stand 10 minutes and then put back to the refrigerator a minimum of 4 hours. Better, if it's a whole night

8.- The next day, sprinkle with a sieve, or if you do not have it with a colander, the cookie that we had reserved at the beginning. The one that does not have butter mixture. Unmold and it's ready!

The homemade oreo cake is a dessert that is available to everyone. Because it is not expensive and because it is very easy to do. Also, you do not need an oven to prepare it

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Oreo Homemade Cake Without Oven Recipe Oreo Homemade Cake Without Oven Recipe Reviewed by Hair Guidance on 10:29 Rating: 5
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