Easy Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto Recipe


Whole mushroom risotto. Surely you already know the famous risotto. It's an Italian rice, creamy. It is usually prepared with mushrooms or mushrooms, although there are many different shapes. From Risotto to carbonara like sea urchin risotto. In this case, this whole mushroom risotto is a recipe for diabetics. I prepared it especially for the campaign "Diabetes: Take it seriously", which wants to raise awareness about the dangers of this disease and raise awareness of the importance of healthy habits to prevent it. You can get more information on any of the social networks under the hangstad # Diabetesportucorazón. To prepare this integral mushroom risotto you will need the following ingredients:


  • 200g of round integral rice
  • 1/2 onion
  • 75g of mushrooms or mushrooms of the variety you want
  • 1/2 glass of wine
  • 400ml chicken broth
  • 50g of fat-free cheese
  • a few leaves of basil
  • olive oil
  • Salt


1.- The first thing we are going to do is going to be the night before. We are going to put the rice in a high bowl and we will cover it with generous water. It is similar to when you put some beans in soaking, before putting them to cook. The reason is that brown rice is much harder than white and, with this, we manage to hydrate it. So, if hydrated, it will take 20 minutes to cook. Without hydrating, it would take twice as long. We leave it to soak all night

2.- The next day, in a high saucepan, add a little olive oil over a low heat. Add the finely chopped onion and mushrooms or mushrooms. We take a pinch of salt and stir frequently, while cooking over low heat.

3.- After 5 minutes, with the onion already cooked and the mushrooms that have waned, add the white wine. That will give a pretty interesting acid touch to the recipe. Let it boil and boil a minute, so that the alcohol evaporates and we add the rice, already hydrated from the previous night. Then we stir, without stopping, until the rice has absorbed all the wine

4.- Now comes the secret of risotto. Instead of pouring all the soup at once, we added it as a ladle and began to stir. We are going to mix it constantly, without stopping. After about 3 to 5 minutes, the rice will have absorbed all the broth. Repeat the action, pour a ladle of the broth and stir constantly. Do not forget to salt, if the broth you are using does not take it.

5.- Passed from 17, to 20 minutes, repeating constantly the previous step, the rice will be al dente, very creamy and nothing loose. It is what we are looking for. It is the moment to extinguish the fire and with the same heat of the extinguished fire, we add to the risotto two or three spoonfuls of olive oil and the grated cheese. We mix well and serve immediately. This dish is cooked and served! You can sprinkle with basil leaves, which come as a glove to this recipe

Thus, we will obtain an integral mushroom risotto, more healthy and suitable for diabetics. It will not be noticed that this dish is made with brown rice

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Easy Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto Recipe Easy Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto Recipe Reviewed by Hair Guidance on 03:53 Rating: 5
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