Double Hamburger With Cheese Recipe


Double cheeseburger. Two hamburgers, one on top of the other, with its corresponding slice of cheese. Each. In addition, here we will see a trick to make the slice melt very easily, resulting in a melted cheese that will be the delight of all. The hamburger is not far behind either. We will make a simple but very successful and fast version. We will have our double cheeseburger ready in 10-15 minutes.


  • 400g of minced meat
  • 1 clove garlic
  • a spoonful of onion powder
  • a little rosemary and thyme in spice
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 hamburger buns
  • 4 slices of sandwich cheese
  • Lettuce leaves
  • a tomato
  • 1/2 onion
  • oil
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise ... The sauce you want

1.- We prepare the hamburger itself. In a bowl, put the minced meat - which can be made of pork, veal or mixture - the garlic, the onion powder, the rosemary, the thyme a pinch of freshly ground black pepper and a good pinch of salt. You can remove or add other ingredients to your liking. Mix well with your hands until you get a homogeneous mass.

2.- We take a small portion and make a ball with it. We put two of these balls at the same time cooked on a griddle, with a small splash of oil and over high heat

3.- With a spatula, crush until the patties get the size of the bread where we go to eat. We let cook to taste. 2 minutes if we like little done to 5 if we like more made

4.- While it is cooking we prepare the bread that, previously you can have toasted it a bit in the oven or in a pan. In the base of the bread we put some leaves of lettuce and one or two slices of tomato.

5.- After the time we turn each hamburger with the help of the spatula. We immediately put a cheese loach on each of them and cook the other side. Others from 2 to 5 minutes

6.- When the hamburger is cooked to our liking, it is time to finish melting the cheese. Add a small trickle of water to the pan. With 1/2 glass of chupìto it will be enough. It will begin to emanate steam as if it were a volcano. This steam will melt the cheese. Quickly cover the pan and leave 30 seconds to a minute like this, without removing from the fire. The longer it is, the more the cheese will melt.

7.- Finally, with the cheese already melted, place one hamburger on the other, remove them from the pan and place on the bread, with your lettuce and tomato. On top we put a little onion in rings, season with our favorite sauce and eat!

So easy, fast and delicious to make this double burger with cheese that you can not stop doing it. Although it is not to eat it daily but, as I always say, if it is homemade, it is not junk food!

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Double Hamburger With Cheese Recipe Double Hamburger With Cheese Recipe Reviewed by Hair Guidance on 04:44 Rating: 5
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