Rice With Chicken And Vegetables Recipe


Rice with chicken and vegetables is one of the most popular ways to prepare this cereal. And also more healthy. It is a recipe for cooking very typical of Spain and throughout Latin America. It has all the proteins of the chicken (and its lack of fat) and the vitamins of rice and vegetables. A meal that you can not stop preparing and that serves as a unique dish, due to its completeness. Its preparation is similar to that of a paella although its ingredients are others. To prepare this rice with chicken and vegetables, we will need the following ingredients:


  • 200g of rice
  • 400g of chicken broth or vegetables
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 green pepper and 1/2 red
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 peeled tomatoes
  • 300g chicken breast
  • 150g of peas
  • some strands of saffron (or food coloring)
  • salt and pepper
  • oil


1.- We put a drizzle of oil to heat over medium heat in a very large saucepan. Like a paella. While it is hot, we chop the onion, the peppers and the garlic cloves and add them. We put a pinch of salt and cook while stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon for about 5 minutes.

2.- After the time we add the chicken breasts cut into large pieces. If you prefer you could use thighs instead of breasts. We raise the fire a little and cook everything for another 5-10 minutes. Until the chicken takes something colorful on the outside (not too much).

3.- When the chicken has some color, it is time to take the chopped and peeled tomato. We cook while we remove all the ingredients for another 5 minutes.

4.- It's time to pour the rice. 200g of rice comes to be a 200ml glass of water filled with this cereal. We throw it out and we integrate it with the spoon with the rest of the ingredients, while we let it cook a minute more. Let it absorb all the juices of the vegetable and the chicken!

5.- It is the turn to throw the rest of the ingredients that are missing. First we throw the chicken or vegetables broth. Double the amount of rice (two glasses). Then the saffron threads. If you do not have saffron you can put food coloring, but it will not be the same. We also add the peas and finally we rectify the salt. The broth should be rather tasty, since rice is a rather bland food in itself and will absorb much of the salt. If we fall short of salt, the rice will taste very bland

6 .- Remove for a couple of minutes all the ingredients so that they are placed as evenly as possible on the pan we are using. After lowering the fire to soft power and let cook, without stirring at any time, for 15 or 20 minutes. Until there is no broth

7.- When the rice has absorbed practically all the broth, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a clean cloth and let rest 5 minutes more. Thus, we make sure that we will have a very tasty rice and "

It's that easy, you'll have your rice with chicken and vegetables, spicy and tasty. I hope you like it!

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Rice With Chicken And Vegetables Recipe Rice With Chicken And Vegetables Recipe Reviewed by Hair Guidance on 04:05 Rating: 5
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