Cucumber & Tomato Summer Salad

The salad jacket is a salad rather summer. It is said to be "summer" because it is very fresh and because the tomato that is used, which is one of its main ingredients, is seasonal. But in fact it is advisable to eat salads throughout the year (this or any other). To do it, we will only need a handful of ingredients, all very cheap and easy to get. With them, we will be able to make a delicious salad

INGREDIENTS TO MAKE A Cucumber & Tomato Summer Salad FOR 4 PEOPLE:

  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • Some lettuce leaves (around 200g)
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 100g of pencas or sardines
  • Soft cheese. Of burgos or one similar
  • Salt, olive oil and vinegar for dressing

RECIPE OF THE Cucumber & Tomato Summer Salad

1.- Fill a pan with plenty of water and bring it to a boil. We take a small splash of vinegar and add the potatoes. The vinegar is added so that the potato later becomes easier to peel. Truquito that a friend gave me and that really works. We let them cook for about 25 minutes. Until you can put a knife and leave easily, when they will be cooked

2.- While they cook, we pour water in another smaller casserole and put the eggs. We throw a good handful of salt (trick also to make them peel more easily) and bring to a boil. When the water breaks to boil, we counted 10 minutes. Moment in which we will drain the eggs and put them in cold water, before peeling them

3.- When we have the eggs and the potatoes cooked and already cold, we peel them and cut them into large pieces. You can cut them into slices or tacos. As you prefer. We do the same with tomatoes. You can peel them if you prefer them but I like the shell. Then we put in a salad bowl all these ingredients, the leaves of lettuce, which we have cut with your hands. Experts say that doing so does not lose their vitamins. We add the pencas or whole sardines if they are small or in half if they are very large and the cheese of burgos cut into pieces. Finish by seasoning first a pinch of salt, then a splash of oil and finally with a generous splash of olive oil. We remove and serve!

What to eat for those days that you do not feel like eating anything because of the suffocating heat it makes? Here is this jacket jacket that will lower a few degrees to your body on those summer days. Although in reality, you can do it at any time of the year. Take advantage!

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Cucumber & Tomato Summer Salad Cucumber & Tomato Summer Salad Reviewed by Hair Guidance on 03:39 Rating: 5
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